The validate
example adds the concept of scripts to the trickle file. In this script we validate the schema of the input json against some requirements and only let events through that do satisfy them. Other events are dropped. Those changes are entirely inside the example.trickle
In the example.trickle
we define a script that validates the schema that the field hello
is a string and the field selected
is a boolean. If both conditions are true we pass it on, otherwise it'll drop.
All other configuration is the same as per the previous example, and is elided here for brevity.
Business Logic¶
define script validate # define the script
match event of
case %{ present hello, present selected } # Record pattern, validating field presence
when type::is_string(event.hello) and type::is_bool(event.selected) # guards
=> emit event # propagate if valid
default => drop # discard or reroute
Command line testing during logic development¶
Run a the query against a sample input.json
$ tremor run -i input.json example.trickle
>> {"hello": "world"}
Deploy the solution into a docker environment
$ docker-compose up
>> {"hello": "again", "selected": true}
Inject test messages via websocat
Can be installed via cargo install websocat
for the lazy/impatient amongst us
$ cat inputs.txt | websocat ws://localhost:4242
Injecting bad messages to verify validation.
$ cat invalids.txt | websocat ws://localhost:4242
We introduce the declare script
and create script
query language features. delcare script
lets declare a template for a script to be run while create script
instanciates it as a part of the graph. create script
takes an additional as <name>
argument if it is omitted the operator will have the same name as the declaration.
Scripts themselves can not connect to elements inside the graph, a select
statement is needed to glue scripts and other logic together.