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syslog udp dns

This workshop is the samne as the syslog_upd workship with the added component of enriching the syslog message we receive with a DNS lookup.

We will only discuss the newly introduced components, for the rest pleas refer to the syslog_upd workshop.



All the code here is available in the git repository as well and can be run with docker compose up.


We get a new sink, the dns sink. This is what tremor calls a linked transport, aka a sink or source that can both receive and send messages.

In the case of the dns sink it receives lookup requests and sends the replies.

This changes the binding the following way:

metronome -> producer -> syslog-udp-out

syslog-udp-in -> dns -> dns

dns -> consumer -> stdout-output

Business Logic

The producer pipeline remains unchanged however we add a new dns pipeline and the consumer piepline now includes some logic.

The dns pipeline does two things. First it moves the event itself into the $correlation metadata. Linked transports will preserve this metadata key over requests allowing to correlate the output event with the input request. Second it changes the event into a lookup of the A record (ip address) for the hostname. Finally we do the wiering with select statments.


Storing data in $correlation will mean this data has to be kept in memory until the event is processed, depending on throughput and pending requests this can be a significant memory cost.

# dns.trickle
define script dns
 let $correlation = event;
  "lookup": $correlation.hostname,
  "type": "A"

create script dns;

select event from in into dns;
select event from dns into out;

In addition the consumer pipeline got slightly more complicated. We use merge to replace the lookup response from the dns sink with it's correlation (the orriginal event) and merge merge it by inserting the IP we looked up into the event. In result we now have the original event with the added ip field containing the IP correlating to the hostname.

# consumer.trickle
select merge $correlation of {"ip": event[0].A} end from in into out